Become a sales representative for and make up to a 40% commission rate.
Become a Sales RepNot only can you join our team and help spread the word about your favorite products, you can be compensated for your efforts. Our system tracks referrals and pays top commissions for every client you send our way. Plus, your sales volume is accumulative and continues to compound month after month as opposed to resetting each month to zero. This means you will reach 40% in no time at all.
Our website and plans generate one of the highest conversion rates in the industry. Our high conversion rate means people who land on our site, more often than not convert to sales.
All sales representatives will benefit from our sales and marketing dashboard. It is unlike anything else in the marketplace and it is so simple to use.
Here are the highlights that ALL affiliates receive:
If a customer comes from your site to ours, and then comes back to purchase six months later, you get credit.
It couldn't be simpler! We've streamlined our entire sales process to ensure ease of use, while still maintaining extremely accurate sales tracking. The process is as follows:
That's it! You send us business, we send you money!
Signing up and getting your account configured couldn't be easier. You can be referring business in as little as five minutes
Join now!